What is SEO?

SEO is the search engine optimization. It means to understand how search engines work and how they allot your website a position in the search results. It means to understand search engines and use that knowledge todrive maximum traffic for your site for absolutely free. SEO experts get hundreds of thousands of traffic per day. Search engine’s traffic is the best because the person who came on your site by searching for it and its keywords is sure to be a serious user and will be much useful than those who come on your site by chance and close it not reading anything. Such non-serious traffic leads to the increase in bounce rate and finally disabling your adsense account. The bounce rate of any site must not be more than40%. Remember, google has nothing to know about you and your site than form the behavior of you users (traffic). Google understands about you by seeing and analyzing that what your users are doing on your site. Whether they stay there, see more pages, take you seriously, or they just open your site and little running their eyes over the contents close it.

Google is the top search engine on internet and more than 70% people of the world use it on account of its latest and more developed technology to give you better search results than other search engines. Whenever you are finding something on the search engine and when results are displayed you mostly click on the first search result. According to a research the ratio of clicking on the first search result is 60% that gradually comes down in the results on 2nd, 3rd and up to 10th position on one page. This SEO course shall enable you to bring your site on the first position of search results so that you may get the best score of traffic as possible. In this connection you shall be taught all the working and secret strategies of on-page and off-page optimization.


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