What is KEI and KES and What are Their Uses

By now you would have completed making excel sheet and collected some long and extended keywords. In this chapter you shall be taught what is KEI and KES and how to find KEI and KES of your selected keywords. By that way you shall come to know which keywords from your list are more useful from the rests. In this way they shall be filtered and all others are to be deleted so that you may not waste your time and have a good start. KEI means keyword effectiveness index. It means how much one keyword is effective.
Increase three columns in your excel sheet and give them the following headings;

1. Initial KEI
2. Advanced KEI
3. Relevance
4. KES

Initial KEI

In this column divide monthly searches on competition. The formula for this is =(B2/C2) where B2 is monthly searches and C2 is competition. By this way you will find the initial KEI of the keywords you have selected. Remember one thing you have not to put that formula with every keyword. Just click at the right bottom of the box and drag it to the end of the list the formula shall be applied automatically to all the keywords. In a very simple language initial KEI is to divide the monthly searches on the competition.

Advanced KEI

Here you have to multiply initial KEI by 1,000. The formula for this is =(D2*1000) where D2 is the column of initial KEIand * stands for multiplication. All those keywords with advanced KEI of 10 or more are good keywords but still you have to go on.


That means how much the keyword is relevant to the root keyword. If this relevance is 100% than put 10 in this column if it is 50% put 5 similarly 1 for 10%, 2 for 20% etc.


Here you have to multiply advanced KEI with relevance and use =(E2*F2) formula where E2 means advanced KEI and F2 is the column of relevance.

Now you have got the final thing before you and here the keywords with more KES are the best for you to be targeted for your website. Put that column into descending order and select top keywords with more KES. Now you might have seen that some of the keywords with more KEI sank down in the list.
Note: Remember; there are still better methods that shall come later in this course.

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