What is Dreamweaver And How to Use it

There are many other ways and methods to make website other than wordpress like joomla and dreamweaver etc. Joomla is exactly like wordpress. It is installed on the server and then posts and pages are created and published.

Here we have selected dreamweaver to make a website which is quite different than wordperss and joomla. By dreamweaver you don’t directly make pages and posts on server rather you do it in your computer and upload it. In this way the backup of your site is always with you that can be needed. You can create backup of wordpress and joomla site too for which you need either cute FTP or file zilla the use of which we shall tell in a later chapter.

First of all you need to install dreamweaver. It has many versions and the version we chose to teach you to make site is Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. It is old version but there are sound reasons that why we have selected that. You can do everything in it what you can do in the latest version. Secondly, this is the easiest for teach and use whereas the modern one is complicated and once you have learnt to make site on it you can make site easily in the modern version for the options are just the same. So do install Macromedia Dreamweaver MX and from next chapter we shall start to teach you how to make a website in it.

t is to let you know that you might have gone through many pages of bslearning.com and this site is made in dreamweaver. There is one other reason to adopt it that in dreamweaver site you are free to make its look and feel on your own and as you like whereas in wordpress and joomla you are bound to go with the theme and there are many things that you want to implement but the design and theme is the impediment on your way. Dreamweaver sites are entirely in your hand the way you tackle and make them.

One another thing that must not be neglected that now-a-days the greater number of the visitors on your site are from mobiles, ipads or tablets and many old sites cannot appear properly on the screen of such devices so it is necessary that your site must be responsive and in dreamweaver you can quite easily make a responsive site with the help of bootstrap which is free source. On the other hand if you want to go for responsive them in wordpress and joomla you have to buy that.

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