The Fields in Which SEO Can be Used

SEO can be used nearly for all the online businesses. The detail is as under;

• Online Projects

If you are working on elance, odeskor clickbank you can get online SEO projects and work for the better SERP or SEO expert or adviser for online business owners. In this connection you have to see how you can do on-page and off-page optimization of the site or a webpage to make it perform well on the search engine and drive free traffic.

• Google adsense

You can make your own site and get it recommended by the google adsense. Once you do it google shall allot you an account and you can place google ads on your site and earn on per click base on the ad by the users. The more the users the more the chances of clicks on the google ads and more earning. There is a two-step-process by which google adsense recommend your site. All the details you will find in the latter chapters of this SEO diploma.

Google Adsense’s alternatives

There are other many alternatives of google adsense. They are also ad serving like google adsense. Theya are as follows;

1. (ad serving of
2. Chitika
3. Bidvertiser
4. Infolinks
5. adBrite
6. Clickbank
7. Amazon
8. Kontera
9. eBay
10. LinkShare

Note: Remember, google adsense is the best from them all and you will never find better earning opportunities in all the above as compare to google adsense.

Odesk and Elance

Odesk and Elance are the very good sites here you will earn by getting online projects. After completing this SEO course you can join them as SEO consultant.

Personal Business

You can start your personal business online. You can sell anything or give your paid services to the users. What you need for your business is traffic and this you can get by using your SEO expertise.


This is another online source you can use you SEO expertise for your profit. Here you make a site or a blog and sell the products of your vendors. You are paid on per selling of the product.
SEO is the basics of all sorts of success on internet. All the sources mentioned above are good online sources and you can join them.

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