The Best Method to Find Keyword

There are still better methods than KEI and KES and by using them you can get more advantage. For this purpose too you have to select any good root keyword that you can find from,, etc. Only after that you better use the following method.

Open in one page and google keyword planner on the other. If you are new in SEO find such keyword that has nearly 1,000 monthly searches and 100,000competition. And if your website is older than 2 years then you can target the keyword of the competition of ten million even. Remember on-page optimization has a limit whereas there is no limit to off-page optimization. You have to use excel sheet here also.

Keep on searching the monthly searches of the keywords you have selected on google keyword planner and their competition on google search engine. Do consider the keywords suggestions by the google keyword planner and even by the search engine.

Whenever you search any keyword on search engine the competition shall be a large figure. Don’t be afraid because there are millions of sites that have used your keyword just once on the page and they are not aware of its being good keyword. Millions of webmasters even do not know SEO. So don’t afraid from the large figure of competition.

1. If you want to know the sites that have used your exact keyword in the text or title of the page then you have to use inverted commas,
Example:“Montessori class system”
Now you will see that that figure of competition became lesser and it means there are lesser webpages that have exactly used your keyword.

2. If you want to know who has used your keyword as a title of the page you have to use “allintitle:”
Example:allintitle:“Montessori class system”

3. If you want to know who has used your keyword as a URL of the page you have to use “allinurl:”
Example: allinurl: “Montessori class system”

4. If you want to know who has used your keyword as a title of the page you have to use “inanchor:”
Example: inanchor:“Montessori class system”

By all the above methods you will know the number of the webpages on the search engine on which your keyword is treated specially. It means those webmasters are aware of the importance of this keyword and your competitors are only they. This is the deep down analysisof the keywords by which you can find your way. If you have the competition of 5,000 by using inanchor, allintitle and allinurlit means you can be successful in them.
By using that method you can easy go deep to the real keywords that are best for you to opt and try to add all this information on the excel sheet with you to have a better look and making better planning.

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