SEO Codes

Along with abbreviations there are many such codes in SEO that you need to know. You might have experience that whenever you open a site there may be error codes like 404 page error. These codes are explained as under;

• 200 (OK)

Whenever any site opens normally without any error this is called 200 (OK) that means site and server arefunctioning well.

• 301 (Moved Permanently)

When any site gets permanently removed from any URL this is called 301 code it means that site cannot be accessed by that URL know and has been shifted to another URL.

• 302 (Temporary Redirected)

This is the error code you will see on the browser when any site has redirected from the URL temporarily.

• 403 (Forbidden)

Sites can be banned in any particular region and in this connection when you open them in the region where they are banned you get 403 forbidden error on the browser.

• 404 (Not Found)

When you enter a wrong URL and there is no such page on the site you get 404 error message on the browser.

• 500 (Internal Server Error)

This code is shown on the browser when your server cannot access any site for you.

• 503 (Service Unavailable)

When you are not privileged to open any particular page you will see 503 service unavailable error on the browser.

These codes are very important to be known for all who work for SEO.

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