Search Engine Friendly Site

Search engine friendly site is the one which has all those things which are liked by the search engines, hence that site is capable of having good SERP on the search engine. Upto know you would have selected keywords for you and here you shall be taught how to make a search engine friendly site so that your site must be in accordance with the standards of search engine. And the motto of SEO is to gain importance in the eyes of search engine.

The following are the steps you must take in order to make your website a search engine friendly site.

1. Make your site in wordpress. That is the user interface programmeto make a website. In wordpressyou just upload your posts and pages and the whole setting is done by the programme itself you just have to install any theme and there are thousands of free wordpress themes available on the net. WordPress sites are mostly not rejected by google adsense because by default there are desire settings in accordance with the standards of search engines. WordPress automatically treats your heading andurlin such a way that your keyword is made prominent. In fact on-page optimization is automatically done in wordpress plus there are no broken link and proper navigation and comments section. In short much of the job which you do in hours you can do here in minutes.

2. Make a sitemap.xml and upload it in the root directory of your site. You need not to worry in this connection for there are many sites on internet in which you can make your sitemap.xml quite easily. Go to and enter the URL of your site and your sitemap.xml shall be made within a minute. Just download it and upload in the root directory of your site.

3. Make robots.txt file and upload it in the root directory of your site. In this connection you should open and make the robots.txtfile and download it and upload in the root directory.

This file give search engine spidersan information that which page may be visited by them so that they visit and index it. For your convenience you better check the robots.txt of any good site and copy it to be used. The method for that is open site and add /robots.txt to it. Robots.txt has quite a simple code. You can also write that code as shownin the following image. Open text file and write the code as shown in the image below, name that file as robots.txtand upload it in the root directory of the site

4. Use title, description and keywords tags on every page of the site. In wordpress it is quite easy. Just install any SEO plugin and whenever you will be making any page or post there shall be an option on the same page where you have to write the title, description and keywords of the page or post. Use your keyword that you have focused in the page in title, description and keywords tags. If you are not using wordpress then open your site in dreamweaver. This is the software to make sites you can download it from internet. When you will open your page in dreamweaver you shall see the back-end coding. Now find the code <head> and write the code that is given in the image below just between<head>and </head>.

5. Write more text on every page. Remember the ratio of your text must be more than html coding of the page. You can see this ratio in SEO Quake. That is the plugin you can use in chrome and firefox. Whenever you will open any page on the browser SEO Quake shall show you the ratio of coding and text on the page.

6. Use Heading one (H1) on every page as a title of the text. H1 must be your keyword also and you must make it a link of the same page. If you open the Wikipedia you will see that same strategythere. They write the keyword on the top of the page as H1 and there are many links on the page carrying that keyword. Try to use as many headings down to H6 as you can in the sub-headings, sub-titles of the text and titles of images etc.

7. According to exact match domain (EMD)update google doesn’t give good SERP to any domain in the keyword that is found in the domain. For example on the keyword “montessori school system in Pakistan” the domain which carry that keyword cannot get a good SERP. Google did this because many webmasters have been using that strategy that they use their keyword in the domain so that they get more traffic.

8. Use .com extension in your domain than .net or .org, because .com is common and everyone tries it first moreover many people use shortcut key (Ctrl and Enter) for .com and there is no shortcut for .net or .org.

9. Try to submit your site on as many directories as you can.

10. Use alt text and title with all images. In this way you can get traffic from google images also. Try to use your keyword in the alt text and title. If you make your image clickable that shall be better.

11. Never use iframes or doorway pages. By the use of iframes other’s pages may be shown that may be not yours. Never use doorway pages also for they are such pages which are optimized on any keyword but only to sent traffic on the other pages.

12. Never copy and use images and flash from any site. Use your own images because now google can read and understand images and flash also.

13. Use Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tool. Open these sites and signup your site on them and do as directed there.

14. RSS Feed is good function to be used on the site. This is such a function of the site by which your selected users shall be sent information of every update on your site. In wordpress you can use plugins for that.

15. Some pages are very much necessary for your site and they are Privacy policy, about us and contactus. You should also make pages like termsandservice and sitemapforusers.

16. Remember google cannot understand on its own that how much your site is valuable with respect to giving good user experience. Google just see the behavior of your visitors. If they open your site and close it without going to any other page this gives google an impression that your site is not good and user friendly. So try to make your users stay on your site otherwise when they close it by viewing one page this is called bounce rate. Try to reduce bounce rate as much as you can.

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