On-Page Optimization

On-Page Optimization means to make such changes on you page by which your page must be performing better on the search engine. When you try to lift your site up in search engine by making no changes on the page rather you do it externally by putting backlinks to your site on other sites are so this is called off-page optimization which you shall learn later.
So On-Page Optimization means to optimize your page for search engine by making changes on the page. There are the following methods for On-Page Optimization;

1. Use meta tags

Your first job on your page is to use meta tags of title, description and keywords. Your all pages must carry these tagesand you have to use them in the head section of every page between <head> and </head>. When you right-click on any page and go to view page sourceyou see the back-end coding of the page.There is a portion at the top of the page where you can see <head> and </head>.Whenever you open your page in dreamweaverit shows both front-end and back-end of the page where you can edit. Got to the coding and edit by puttingtitle, description and keywordsmeta tags there. All that coding which is within <head> and </head> is not related to the visitors, they cannot see it. It if only for search engine. If you are usingwordpress it is much easier for you. You just need to install any of the plugins, like; all in one seo pack, platinum seo pack and yoastseo. When you will be making any page or postthere shall be options to give title, description and keywords to the page. Once you have filled in these fields you are done. Always give your meta tags like the following;

1. <title>write the title of your page here</title>
Note:use your keyword of the page as a title.

2. <meta name=”description” content=”describe your page here.”>
Note:description means what is your page about. Use your keyword on the page in the description also but not more than two times.

<meta name=”keywords” content=”Write the keywords of your page here.”>

Note: only three keyword are sufficient.

Remember, whenever you are finding anything on search engine and in the results you see there are three following things;

• 1st line: That is the title of the page. It is the same title as you have given in title meta tag as described above.
• 2nd line: That is the description of the page and again It is the same description as you have given in descriptionmeta tag as described above.
• 3rd line: This is the URL of the page. Sometimes you see this URL right after title and before description.

There was time when google left giving any importance to keyword meta tag because people would began to stuff many keywords there, but it is good idea that you must use three relevant keywords there. Meta tags are once again given here just use it as it is and write title, description and keywords by replacing the line(______).

Important:title tag must be within 10 to 70 characters and description within 70 to 160 characters. SEO plugins in wordpress automatically show you the limit otherwise there are such many websites on internet which check meta tags and suggest you either to extend or reduce them. You can use SEO Quake for this purpose too.
On-page optimization is continued on the next chapter also.

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