On-Page Optimization (continued)

2. Page URL

Use you keyword in the URL of the page. Remember never buy such domain in which there is any keyword. Always buy general domain name that must not carry any keyword. You must use keyword in the URL of the page not domain. Like if your page is on Montessori classes you better use the followingURLs for your page.

3. Title tag

It is thoroughly explained in the previous chapter. Use keyword of the page in the title tag too.

4. Page title

Page title is different than title tag. It is the text written at the top of the page which users can see by opening the page. You better put you keyword in the title of the page and make it H1 (heading one) which is the largest heading. And that is much better if you make it a link to the same page.
Note: google gives importance to any word that is there in the title, URL, heading and anchor link and in this case all that comes in the one page title that is the keyword at the same time. In this way there are more chances for your page to perform better on the search engine.

5. Keyword Density

It means what is the ratio of the keywords you have used on the page. Remember if you have used keyword more than 5% it shall be considered as keywords spamming or keyword stuffing and google shall penalize you by dropping your SERP. And if your keyword density is less than 3% google could not be able to understand the theme of you page and would rank you on your keyword nor there shall be relevant ads if you are using google adsense on the page.

6. text vs HTML

Use more text than html code. Better use less javascript and flast so that your page should open quickly. SEO Quake is very good to be used. It shall show you the ratio of text and html coding on your page.

7. Important Pages

Pricacy policy, contact us, about us, terms of service and sitemap for users are important pages don’t miss them in your site.

8. Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt

Make sitemap.xml and robots.txt for your site and upload it on the root directory. The method of doing that you have learnt in the previous chapters.

9. Social Media

Use social media like; facebook, twitter, google+ etcon your site. If you are using wordpress there are plugins that give you that facility but before that make your accounts on the social media and create pages and promote them with your site.

10. Headings

H1 is the most important heading and used once on the site. Similarly there are headings upto H6. The lesser they are in size the lesser in importance with respect to search engines, but it is very good if you use maximum headings with strong reason.

11. flash and iframes

Never use iframes in your site and use less flash.

12. Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics

Submit your site on Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics and upload your sitemap.xml on the Webmaster Tools.

13. RSS Feed

It is the updates informer that may be any update on your site. If you are using wordpress install plugin for that.

Out bound links are those links by which your site is connected to other sites and inbound links are within your site. Make your site in such a way that every category must have relevant posts and that must be linked with the homepage. Your homepage must be only two-click far from any page of the site. Make linking in such a way that should add to the PR of your site.

In coming chapters you shall be told such good tools that shall be very useful for on-page optimization.

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