Off-Page Optimization

In the previous chapters you have read about On-Page Optimization and here we shall teach you about Off-Page Optimization. Off-Page Optimization means to work on SEO to bring your site up in the search engine by doing all those things in which you don’t edit your site internally rather you build its image by external work and strategies. Remember there is certain limit of On-Page Optimization but there is no limit of Off-Page Optimization the more you do the better it will be. The stronger is the Off-Page Optimization of the site the more are the chances of leave behind even the very good sites. In this chapter you shall taught good strategies for Off-Page Optimizationand in the coming chapters you shall be introduced with some very useful tools you can use in this connection. The following are the strategies for Off-Page Optimization.

1. Backlinking

The major thing implied by Off-Page Optimization is backlinking. You should put as much as backlinks as possible. First of all you must see whether or not there is any nofollow code on the site where you are putting your backlink. To see nofollow you must right click and go to “view page source” option and search for the word “nofollow”. If the code is there your link shall not give you any benefit regarding page rank (PR) otherwise that link is very useful for you. And one such link may earn you PR to give good impression to google about your site.
Note: remember wherever you are putting the link to your site the words of the link must be the keyword of the page to which it is linked to. The text of the link is called anchor link therefore anchor link must be the keyword of your page which you are back linking.

2. Blogging

There are many sites on which you can make blogs, like;,,,, and etc. Open those sites and signup there to make free blog. The formula for backlinkingis to backlink on the sites, blogs or forums that are relevant to the contents of your site. Otherwise your backlink shall not be fruitful. Therefore your blog too must me relevant to your site. Wherever you give link on the blog must be the keyword of the page to which it is linked to. There are other good blogs with good PR you better search them and if there is no “nofollow” code put your link in the comment section. This you can do my mentioning your site as the site field is there which is not compulsory to be filled in. Otherwise your signature can be linked with anchor text of the keyword of your page.

3. Forums

Forums are such platforms on the net where people post their problems and they are resolved by the other members of the forum. Try to join as many forums related to your site as possible and see the nature of questions and by answering suggest them your site too with the anchor link of the keyword of the page you want them to visit. This shall also give you an idea that which type of questions are mostly asked. Pages pages on those issues and keep on suggesting your page to the members who post question, but never mention that the site is yours.

4. Bookmarking

There are many sites on which you can bookmark your site. You must join them and start bookmarking.

5. Article and Press Release

This is an another good method. There are many sites on which articles and press releases can be written and submitted. Just write as much as you can and keep posting on the different sites. Remember one article or press release must only be submitted on one site otherwise it shall be considered as copied material and therefore not published.

6. Directory Submission

Submit your site on as many directories as you can. Find directories on the google search engine and submit your site in the relevant category.

7. Guest Blogging

It is writing a post on the other’s blog. Do guest blogging and put backlinks with the anchor text of the keyword that it links the pageto.

Remember the good SERP on the search engine depends on the number of backlinks. The more the backlinks the better it is but never try to put more than 1 backlink in one day. Do it as a natural process so that you must not be found doing it yourself and it looks that your visitors are referring your sites to others.
You must also keep an eye over your competitors what they are doing and how they optimize their pages for certain keywords. The detail of it is already mentioned in one of the previous chapters. For backlinks you must also follow the following precautions so that you stay safe.
• Never fix any specific time for backlinking.
• Use firefoxor because when you are using chrome you are to be tracked easily by google because it is google’sbrowser.
• One backlink per day

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