How to use Google Keyword Planner

There is a good news for all those who are doing this SEO diploma course that google keyword planner is the very good, authentic and free service to find a fruitful keyword. With the help of this service you can find good keywords along with the ratio of their monthly searches, trends, and many good suggestions to extend your root keywords into profitable long keywords. In this connection go to and click signup and use your gmail account for that.

After getting signup click on the option of “Search for new keyword and ad group ideas” at the left column of the page.

Now you will see the option got extended and there is the field to write your keyword as shown in the image below.

If you want to search more than one keyword you better press Enter button every after a keyword and click on the “Get ideas” button. You will see there are some other options above “Get ideas” button and by using them you can find monthly searches of any other country and language.

Now by clicking “Get ideas” you will see the search detail of your keyword(s) in a month-wise graph.

And under the graph you shall see the monthly searches of the keyword(s) you have entered to search.

Under your own keyword there is the long list of ideas of the relevant keywords. That list you can use for getting ideas about how to extend your root keyword into the long one with good monthly searches.

Remember one thing the column of competition here is not related to you. It is only for the google’s advertisers who make keyword campaign on the keyword planner. Since this planner, as explained already, is for the google’s adwords advertisers and competition here means how many advertisers are using that keyword in their campaign. It has nothing to do with webmasters. You can see the competition in the search engine as explained in the previous chapters. Google provides you with an opportunity to download the whole details of the keywords into excel sheet and for this purpose you better use “download” option at the top as shown in the image;

Since now-a-days there are many people who use internet on their mobiles iphones, ipads etc and if you like to know the number of mobile searches for the keywords you have typed you must go to the option of “search volume trends” and select mobile trends;

Google keyword planner gives you the rare information that you really in need of and there is no any other free tool on internet which may give you such valuable information.

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