How to Upload Site on Server and How to Make Backups

Once your website is complete in your computer, or even not complete but you want to upload it to the server you need software for this purpose. File zilla and Cute FTP are good softwares for this purpose you better use any one of them. Download any one and install that. Both softwares are 100% identical and they are used in a similar way. Here we shall guide you how to upload site on server with file zilla.
For this purpose you need FTP information that is emailed to you by the hosting company at the time you have bought hosting package. So open that email and note your FTP information that is; your host or host name, username and password. Now open file zilla and do as follows;

1. Install file zilla and open it. You shall see two portions. Left portion is your computer where you should open the folder where you have kept your website. The right portion is your hosting server where you have to upload your site.

2. You shall see the options of host, username and password at the top of the window. Just give that FTP information as you have noted from the email hosting company sent you at the time you bought the hosting package and click the button to connect to the server.

3. By clicking on the button the process of connecting you shall start and when the message “Directory listing successful” is shown to you it means now you are connected to the server where you have to upload your site.

4. Different hosting companies have different folders on the server in which you must upload your site. That folder may be named as HTML, wwwroot, www or whatever. Open that folder form your server and select all the files of the folder on the left portion which is the site in your computer and right click and select the option of “upload”. Now your site shall start uploading on the server.

Remember there are some settings on the server so don’t delete any file from the sever folder.

5. Once uploading is complete your site is now online and accessible from all parts of the world you can open it on your browser.
If you have made your site on wordpress still you can download the whole of your site in your computer using file zilla or cute FTP, you just connect to your server and select all the files there, right click and select download.

In this way you shall be having the backup of your wordpress or joomla site which is necessary because there can be any problem with your online site and case of such emergencies you just reupload it from your computer than to do the whole process of installing theme, plugins and writing and publishing pages and posts etc. This backup of your shall carry everything.

If you want to do any more diplomas regarding your website we suggest you must go for PHP and SEO diplomas. PHP is the programming language using which you can make your site dynamic and SEO is the search engine optimization by which you can bring tons of traffic to your site for free and make it a source of earning for you.

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