How to Publish Pages And Posts

What is the difference between post and page in wordpress

In wordpress post and page are different things. They seem to be one and the same thing. They are created and published in a similar way. Pages are introduntory in nature and you just need to create the following pages as needed by your site;

1. About us

Here you have to introduce your site to your visitors.

2. Contact us

On this page there is contact information. Usually there is a form by which visitors can send their message to the admin of the site. You better install contact us form plugin and when you are creating your page select contact form in the template section on the right menu of the screen and publish it. Contact form shall be created by this way. If you are not creating contact form then you can put your contact information there like email and some companies put phone numbers as well as need be.

3. Privacy policy

This page is for those sites which require registration and login. When anyone registers him / herself his particulars are saved in the database of the site. And in this page they tell the users that their data shall be kept secret and shall not be shared in any circumstances. Sites that don’t have any database usually create this page to tell the visitors that they don’t have any database on the site

4. Terms of service

Tell your visitors on this page that what kind of services you are providing to them and on which terms. Tell them your contents are copyright protected and no copy is allowed etc.

5. Sitemap

This page is the map of your site for the users with links of every page and category. By this users can directly go to the desired pages are posts. Sitemap page plugin automatically creates this page. Install and activate that plugin and while creating the page name the page as “Sitemap” or “Sitemap for users” and select “Sitemap” in the template section at the right menu of your screen and publish it. Now the page is created and whenever you shall make any new page, post or category that shall be automatically added in sitemap page.

6. FAQs

FAQs means frequently asked questions. On any such site on which people use to ask questions by comments or contact us form they use to upload FAQs page on which answers of those questions are published which are generally asked by the users.
Just make the pages as guided above whereas posts are not introductory and they are related to the material of the site. They can be in thousands.

How to make page and post and publish them

1. Just login to the dashboard of your site and go to Posts option and click on “Add New”.

2. Now give the title of the post and write whatever you want to publish on your site. If you have installed any SEO plugin that shall be shown in the end of your typing post section give the title, description and keywords there for search engines and click on “publish”. Separate your keywords by comma.

Pages too are published in a same way. For that purpose go to pages option and click on “Add New”. Remember one thing before publishing page go to the right menu and in the option of template select “Full Width, no sidebar(s)” as shown in the image below.

By selecting this option your pages shall be without columns. From the template section you can also select “Sitemap” if your page is sitemap for users and “Contact form” if your page is contact us.


Categories carry all those pages which are related by title and contents. In order to make categories go to Posts and select “Categories” as you have selected posts as indicated above..

Give the name to your category and write the same nane in Slug with all small letters.

Write the same name in slug but with no spaces and capital letters. For example if your category is “English language learning” then slug should be either “english language learning” or “english-language-learning”. After doing that click on “Add New Category” and category shall be created. Now whenever you are making any post select category too before publishing it.

There is categories option on the wordpress websites and by clicking it visitors are shown those pages only which are in that category.

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