How to Make up To 100$ a Day from WIX Site 

WIX Site

Everybody wants to make money from the comfort of their Sofa and it’s possible. There are a lot of legitimate ways to make money on the internet, if you want to earn some extra Cash you can use the free WIX site for earning up to 100$ a day easily.

WIX is a platform that lets you to create your own Website, the only difference is that a general Websites are your own property and you can use them anywhere you want, on the other hand WIX site is more like a supporting website because it has the right to remove or shut down your WIX site which would be bad if you are using your WIX site for Business. So here is a way to make commission base money and if for some reasons you lose your Niche, you can create a new one without any loss.

Sign Up with WIX:

Go to and click on Start Now, now you have to enter an email which can be your current email but if you create a new email address with your key-words in it,  for example if you are going to create a Niche about Fitness tips try to create your email address like Fitnesstips@gmail. It will make help in your WIX site Search Engine optimization (SEO). This leads in making some extra money because on internet ts all about the traffic on website and good SEO strategies helps in increasing traffic.

After signing up select the purpose for which you are creating your Niche and then click on Start with WIX ADI. ADI is Artificial Intelligence software for WIX and it automatically select themes and initial design according to your selected Niche, but if you want to choose a different theme you can edit that later.

Click on Next, now you have to type the name of your blog or website and remember to put the keywords in it for good SEO. Now you have a WIX site and you can edit it and make it the way you want. So try to create an Appealing Niche and if you have social media profile you can also show connect that profile. Now you have to click on manage Blog and add some content like Articles and information that’s noteworthy.

Affiliate Promotion:    

There are a lot of different Affiliate programs from different companies and you can get commission every time you sell a product of these companies, so find a product according to your Niche for example if your Niche is about Fitness or Health you can write a review about a product for Fat loss and put your Affiliate link in the review and when someone clicks on that link it will take them directly to the website of your Affiliated product, you will get your commission on every sale through your Affiliated link.

It’s a legitimate way to make extra cash you just have to put some effort in it and the more effort you put the more money you make. If you do things correctly and your WIX site has 300 to 400 visitors per day you can make more than 100$ easily.

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