How to Make Post in Urdu on Facebook, Blog or Website

It’s good idea that you make Urdu pages. You can write in Urdu in internet that maybe your facebook page, blog or even a website. In this connection you have to download and install “Pak Urdu installer”. And once you installed it you shall see EN beside quick launch at the right bottom of your screen.

Now if you want to write Urdu you should click on EN and select Urdu. The shortcut for that is to press Alt and Shift. New when you have selected Urdu in any opened window your keyboard shall write in Urdu in phonetic keyboard on any opened document that may be MS word, Text document, any site, blog, facebook page or email.
You might have seen Urdu on many websites. They use this method.

Now you have got an idea that how easy is the method to write in Urdu you just have to install “Pak Urdu Installer” and it is done. Making Urdu pages is very much productive on the part of webmasters. It gives users an impression that they feel at home with the contents of your site. There are many other sites out there that offer content in Urdu. You might have seen the pages with Urdu description whenever you are looking at the list of search results. It is owing to the fact that the page without Urdu (in description and contents) and with Urdu make a big difference. People would get more interest in Urdu pages. It is for the many times I have seen that in Facebook those posts work better that are in Urdu language.

The big problem of the people of Pakistan is there comprehension which is hampered when they are reading English contents. There is much great number of them that even do not read it and keep clicking for the other pages. In result the bounce rate of your site increases and the site may get in perils and may not perform well in search engines. You might have seen an another thing that we have practiced and got good results that we have made two pages for each and it is entirely on the readers’ choice which page they want to read. In this way they feel at home with our site and we can serve them with the best users’ experience as possible. Take care of you user and make pages in Urdu along with English language.

There may be other softwares for Urdu writing. You better look for them and get improving.

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