How to Make Page on Facebook

You can make page on facebook and make your friends like it. The better the page the more the likes and sharing. In this way your facebook page can be popular and whatever you put on it shall be seen directly on the wall of your facebook friends. Try to make this page interesting for them. By this way you can advertise your blog or website as well as most of people do it. You might have seen like button on the sites and blogs.
In order to make facebook page make facebook account which shall take 10 – 15 minutes and then follow the directions;

1. Make your facebook account and click on “Home” at the top of the page.

2. On the left of screen click on “Create page” option in pages section.

3. Now select any option that suits your page. Writ the name of the page on Company name and click “Get started”.

4. Coming options can be skipped but it’s better that you fill them in. Now give the description of page, give the address of the page and the link of you blog or site and click “Save info”.

5. Click on “Upload from computer” and select the profile’s image if you have in your computer, if not just download it form net and click “Next”.

6. Click “Add to favorites” and go on.

7. Your facebook page is ready now. Now create your post on the field “What have you been up to?” and publish it by pressing Enter.

Now keep on publishing your posts and the time you publish them they shall pop in the wall of your friends who liked your page.

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