How to Make Blog on is Google’s site for making free blogs and one of the most famous on internet. Every blog that has at the end is of blogger’s. Here we shall show you in detail how to make blog on
1. First of all you must have gmail account, if not go and make it. It shall take 5 to 10 minutes then open and login with gmail’s email and passwords.

2. You shall see the option of “create your blog now” click on “New blog” beside it.

3. Give title and address for your blog and choose any theme

4. By giving theme, title and address your blog is made and now you have to upload contents on it. Click on the pencil image to write a post for your blog.

5. Now you are on the writing pad. Just write your contents, give the title of the post and click on “Publish” button to get it published. Now you open your blog and see the published post is there online and people can see and read it. Here you can also share your post on google+ and it is advisable that you do it so that your friends may visit it as well.

6. Now whenever you feel to publish something on the blog just login and click on the pencil button and do it. You can also edit and delete your previous posts.

7. You can see both pages and posts options on the left of screen as shown in the image;

Remember there is difference in posts and pages on wordpress. Posts are as many as you can make but there should be only few pages. Pages are always introductory in nature. The pages you must make for your blog (and even for the website) are; About us, Contact us, Privacy policy, Terms of use and FAQs etc. Not necessarily all of them but the ones you think important for your blog.

8. You can change the look and feel (design) of your blog by going on the option of “Layout”

Note: remember, blogs are made likewise on every site. And on every site and wordpress the difference of post and page is the same.

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