How to Make Blog on

n order to make blog on just follow the directions below;
1. Go to and click on “singup and start bloging for free”.

2. Give your email, password, verification code and click “Next”.

3. Give the address and title of your blog.

4. Select the option of “Free blog” and go on.

5. Now you have to activate your account by clicking on the activation link within 48 hours on the email you have received.

6. By activating your blog is made. Now you need to create and publish posts and pages. Go to the option of Posts or Pages and select “Add new”.

Here you have to write your post / page, give its title and publish it. You better edit or delete “hello world!” post first. And for this go to Posts option and select “All posts” and when “Hello world!” appears just select the option of “edit” under it.

7. When you will write a post there shall be an option of categories at the right column.

In order to make categories you better select “Categories” option in Posts and add them in accordance with the need of your site, e.g. if your site is about learning you can make categories like; English grammar, Poetry, Novel etc. and whenever you make post select the relevant category for that.

8. If your post is not yet complete and you want not to publish it till completed you better write it and click on “Save Draft” instead of “Publish”.

9. Now whenever you want to publish any post or page go to, login and do it as told above.
The blogging ends here for if you can make one on these three sites you can make many on many sites. Method is just the same. Furthermore the sites you are told to make blogs in are most famous ones. In the coming chapters you shall see wordpress as software to make website in detail and whatever you couldn’t get here you shall get there because wordpress is just the same as making blogs.

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