How to Make a Website

Up to now you have been told the methods of making free blogs and here you shall be told how to make full fledge website so that you may be able to earn something and do the online business. If you want to start business on your website we suggest you must do SEO diploma too that shall guide you from selecting keyword to making a successful site for online business and earning. One thing that remains wanting is SEO diploma is to make a website for which you need to do this diploma anyway.
Here you shall learn the whole procedure to make a site and for this purpose you have to undergo the following procedure;

1. Buying hosting and domain
2. Installing wordpress or joomla on your hosting
3. Installing theme on wordpress or joomla
4. Publishing posts and pages on your website
5. Making site on dreamweaver if you are not using wordpress or joomla
6. Uploading dreamweaver site on internet

Remember there is nothing difficult in all these steps and as you shall start making your site with us gradually you will learn that what you were thinking as hard is extremely easy and you can go through all the procedure just by yourself with no any help. In the coming chapter you shall be taught about hosting and domain.

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