How to Install Word Press And Theme

If you want to make your site on wordpress you have to install wordpress on your server and then any theme of your choice. They are very easy steps so let’s get started.

How to install wordpress

1. Go to your hosting site and login or go to the control panel of your site. For going to the control panel or c panel you need the username and password of your FTP information. This information is emailed to you by the hosting company at the time you buy domain.

2. Now once you are at your control panel you shall see there is the option of wordpress. Just click on it and there shall be an option to install it. Click on that option and install wordpress on your domain. If you have more than one domain you have to give domain name on which you want to install wordpress.

3. During installation you can be asked about username and password. Give one of your choice and proceed. Now once wordpress is installed on your site you need not to go to the hosting site just write “/wp-admin” after your domain, like, and by giving the username and password that you gave while installing the dashboard of your site shall open. Dashboard is the penal from where you control every aspect of your site.

4. Now wordpress is installed and fully functional. The first step after that is to select any good theme for your site and install it.

How to install theme on wordpress

1. After installing wordpress the next thing is to install theme of your choice. This you can do by being on a dashboard. Just write the address of your site and “/wp-admin” this shall take you to the wordpress login page and once you have given your username and password your dashboard of the site opens. Now go to the option of “Appearance” at the left menu and select themes. Theme is the design of your site.

2. By clicking on “themes” click on “Add new”

3. The following window shall open.

Here you can install theme in two ways. If you already have any theme downloaded in your computer then click on “Choose”. The second method is the “search” option. By this you can search for theme. Select any theme and click on “Install now” option under it.

4. Here click on “Activate”.

By doing that the theme shall be activated on your site and whenever you open it you shall see that theme. is the official site for all the relevant downloadings. You can directly download theme from that site. Otherwise go to and search for “wordpress themes”. Here you have to decide how many columns you need for your site. Generally there are two columns but you can search and download three-column theme as well.

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