How to Install Plugins in Word Press

After installing theme don’t start writing and publishing pages and posts. You better install plugins first that shall help you in many functions of the website. For this purpose you have to login to your dashboard.

What is plugin

Plugins are little softwares that help a big software. Here big software is wordpress and there are many plugins with it that help doing many functions of the site. Plugins make your word easier and shorter and many things that are necessary for the site are automatically done by the plugins like, making sitemap for users, sitemap.xml, making robots.txt etc. Plugins can be installed and used very easily.

How to install plugins

In order to install any plugin you need to be on dashboard and do as follows;

1. Go to the option of “Plugins” at the left menu and select “Add New”.

2. Now search the plugin by its name or by its function (like making sitemap page) and click on “Search Plugin” button.}

3. Now you shall be seeing at the list of plugins along with their descriptions. Select any one by reading its description and install it by clicking on “Install Now”.

4. Plugin shall be installed but not activated. Activate it by clicking on “Activate Plungin” button

Which plugins are necessary for your site

Few plugins we have selected are necessary for your site. In addition to them you can install many more as need be.

1. Facebook Like and Google+ Badge Widget

Facebook Like and Google+ Badge are necessary for your website. You have already been taught how to create facebook page. Similarly you must make google+ account as well and try to make people like it. As many likes you will have shall be shown under like button in this facebook plugin. You just install them and go to widgets option in “Appearance” and there you shall see the widgets of facebook like and google+ in available widgets. Just drag and drop them in any sidebar as you like and give the address of your google+ and facebook page and it is done. Now whenever you shall open your site you shall see the like button and google+ on your site. By this way you can advertise your site with the help of social media.

2. Google Analytics for WordPress and Google Webmaster Tools

These two widgets are also very necessary are helpful. Once you have launched your site you need to submit it on google analytics that shall show you the stats of the visitors on your site and google webmaster tools.

3. Insert PHP

PHP is the programming language and If you want to include PHP functions on your site you need “Insert PHP” plugin for that.

4. Spam Captcha

This plugin is used with the comments section of every post where your visitors leave comments. This plugin is important because there are many people on internet who use comments softwares that automatically leaves comments on different sites as comments as the advertisement for their business.m This plugin blocks such comments because that softwares cannot put captcha and If you don’t have this plugin installed you shall receive many comment daily that shall be annoying.

5. WP Robots Txt

Robots.txt file is necessary for your site and if you have this plugin installed on your wordpress you need not to worry about it. This automatically creates robots.txt file.
Note: in SEO diploma you shall learn what is robots.txt, what is its purpose and how to make it yourself.

6. WP Sitemap Page

You might have seen sitemap pages on different site. This page is the map of whole site full of links by which user can easily browse in your site and go to the desired page directly.

7. XML Sitemap Generator

This plugin creates sitemap.xml for your site. Sitemap.xml is a different thing than sitemap page. Sitemap page is for visitors (users) whereas sitemap.xml is for search engine. It shown search engines the number and names of the pages and posts on your site. Once you have made and uploaded page or post you need not to add it in sitemap.xml file the plugin automatically adds it.

8. WP Touch Mobile Plugin

Since now-a-days more than half of the visitors of yours site visit you through their mobiles and the look and feel of websites is not proper on mobile as compare to computer. This plugin makes your site to be properly viewed on mobile as it does on computer.

9. SEO Yoast

Once you have installed this plugin and you are writing page or post it shall ask you the title, description and keywords of your page for the search engines. Whatever you enter there is not shown to the visitors but they are shown on the search engine result page. If anyone searches for your site he / she can read the title and description of your webpage from the search engine result page.

After installing the above plugins now your wordpress is ready for the posts and pages to be uploaded. For PHP programming you need to go for PHP diploma on our site and if you want to earn and start business on your site then you need to do SEO diploma.

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