Four Ways to Earn Money Online

Earn Money Online

If you think you to start making a lot of money on the internet easily then you might be wrong, because there is a lot of hard work required in this field. Many individuals are earning good amount of money but there are people who believe that one can’t make a penny on the internet. You know why? Because when you start working on the internet, for first 3 to 6 months you have to be consistent, have patience, and keep on working without any earning. If you can do that, you will get reward for your commitment. So here are four simple ways to earn money on internet. 

Article Writing:

There are some websites that pays you for your writing skills, if you have some experience in writing articles in English visit these websites, you can get paid per article or on a contract basis. Just make sure you are providing original work, write the article in your own words, coping from one source and sending it to your clients will leads you towards termination of your account. Here are some of the best websites for article writing:

1.         hubpages .com

2.         squideo .com

3.         about .com

4.         ehow .com

Online Teaching:

If you have a computer related skill or any other skill that you can teach, record lectures on video clips and sell it for good amount of money. In the beginning you might not get any response because people don’t easily trust new content. In order to get some attention you can offer first few courses for free. If your content is useful and individuals are learning from it then you can get your demanded price for your work. Here are some of the websites for online teaching:

  1. udemy .com
  2. lynda .com
  3. coursera .com
  4. codeacademy .com

Affiliate Marketing:

There is a lot of money in this field, basically you have to promote a company or a product so if you have a large fan following on social media you can use that or use your website, blog or YouTube channel. You can’t get a free website or blog, but you can create a YouTube channel for free, so you can make videos about reviewing different products and make sure to review quality products so people can trust you. You can join affiliate programs in an online market place like Amazon or eBay. These marketplaces will give you commission for promoting their products.


If you are good at graphic designing, video/photo editing or you have writing skills, then there are some websites that requires your services. You have to create a Gig on these websites in which you will mention your skills and all the other information, you will get orders against your Gig so make sure to put all the skills you have, create an impressive and appealing Gig to attract more clients. Here are some free-lancing websites.

  1. upwork .com
  2. fiverr .com
  3. freelance .com
  4. 99designs .com
  5. pwopleperhour .com

 No matter which category you select, always provide quality work and deliver what you promise and you will start making large amount of money in no time.

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