SEO Diploma – Latest Jobs Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:55:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What is SEO? Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:36:48 +0000 SEO is the search engine optimization. It means to understand how search engines work and how they allot your website a position in the search results. It means to understand search engines and use that knowledge todrive maximum traffic for your site for absolutely free. SEO experts get hundreds of thousands of traffic per day. Search engine’s traffic is the best because the person who came on your site by searching for it and its keywords is sure to be a serious user and will be much useful than those who come on your site by chance and close it not reading anything. Such non-serious traffic leads to the increase in bounce rate and finally disabling your adsense account. The bounce rate of any site must not be more than40%. Remember, google has nothing to know about you and your site than form the behavior of you users (traffic). Google understands about you by seeing and analyzing that what your users are doing on your site. Whether they stay there, see more pages, take you seriously, or they just open your site and little running their eyes over the contents close it.

Google is the top search engine on internet and more than 70% people of the world use it on account of its latest and more developed technology to give you better search results than other search engines. Whenever you are finding something on the search engine and when results are displayed you mostly click on the first search result. According to a research the ratio of clicking on the first search result is 60% that gradually comes down in the results on 2nd, 3rd and up to 10th position on one page. This SEO course shall enable you to bring your site on the first position of search results so that you may get the best score of traffic as possible. In this connection you shall be taught all the working and secret strategies of on-page and off-page optimization.


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SEO Abbreviations Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:35:27 +0000 There are many abbreviations that are used in SEO and you must know what they mean. In this chapter we tried to define them in easiest possible way so that you may understand them properly.Since they are repeatedly used and therefore much more important to know when you work as SEO expert.If you are working even in Odesk or Elance and the like sites you better know these abbreviations so that you may understand the nature of people’s demand.


• ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain)

Domain means the name of the site and this is that domain in which country code is used like .pk (for Pakistan), .uk (for United Kindom) and .in (for India) etc. The examples of such domains are;,, etc

• gTLD (Generic Top Level Domain)

Any such domain in which .com, .org or .net is used is called gTLD since .com, .org or .net are not the country codes rather they are general extensions, like;,, etc.

• URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Address of any page is called URL that may be either just domain name or the address of any page in a site like;
www. (domain name)
www. (address of the page along with domain)

• www (World Wide Web)

This comes before any site and it is always the same.

• http (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

http:// is used before www and this indicates that you are linked with your server. All the requests of your computer reach server through this and you are given access to the pages that you have clicked (requested)

• https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)

This is secure correspondence with the server so that someone else could not access your particulars that may be your passwords or else. All the online banking is done in https so that your transaction and your passwords and pins may be safe.

• html (Hyper Text markup Language)

This is the basic language in which any site is made. Behind any webpage there is html coding at the backend which you can see by right clicking and selecting “View page source”. This is static language and not used for programming.

• ROI (Return on Investment)

ROI is the payment that is received of the job done. You can see what is important by seeing what its ROI is. This term is used in Odesk and Elance type jobs where you do work and you bid by putting the ROI of your job that you are suppose to do.

• XML (Extensible Markup Language)

This is a language like HTML which is used only for search engine. It is used to make sitemap for any website which are very important with respect to SEO of any website.

• SERP (Search Engine Result Placement)

Whenever you type any keyword in the search engine and the results are displayed the first result has SERP one, second has SERP two and similarly it goes on. The serial number on which any website is displayed is the SERP of that site. The basic purpose of SEO is to improve SERP of the site in maximum keywords so that you get more and more traffic.

• Alt tags (Alternative text tags) and image title

You might have experienced many a times that when your put your mouse over the image a little pop-up opens giving the name or description of the image this is called title of the image. Similarly there are alt tag. They both are very important for SEO and if your image is clickable that is much better.

• KEI (Keywords Effectiveness Index)

While searching any keyword you generally think that it should perform well. KEI is the method by which you can understand how much any keyword is important for your site. KEI is explained in the coming chapters.

• SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

This is the method by which you can get free traffic from search engine.

This is the method in SEO in which you put links of your website on the other sites, blogs or forums etc. This is the good strategy to be followed in off-page optimization.

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SEO Codes Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:34:13 +0000 Along with abbreviations there are many such codes in SEO that you need to know. You might have experience that whenever you open a site there may be error codes like 404 page error. These codes are explained as under;

• 200 (OK)

Whenever any site opens normally without any error this is called 200 (OK) that means site and server arefunctioning well.

• 301 (Moved Permanently)

When any site gets permanently removed from any URL this is called 301 code it means that site cannot be accessed by that URL know and has been shifted to another URL.

• 302 (Temporary Redirected)

This is the error code you will see on the browser when any site has redirected from the URL temporarily.

• 403 (Forbidden)

Sites can be banned in any particular region and in this connection when you open them in the region where they are banned you get 403 forbidden error on the browser.

• 404 (Not Found)

When you enter a wrong URL and there is no such page on the site you get 404 error message on the browser.

• 500 (Internal Server Error)

This code is shown on the browser when your server cannot access any site for you.

• 503 (Service Unavailable)

When you are not privileged to open any particular page you will see 503 service unavailable error on the browser.

These codes are very important to be known for all who work for SEO.

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The Fields in Which SEO Can be Used Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:33:00 +0000 SEO can be used nearly for all the online businesses. The detail is as under;

• Online Projects

If you are working on elance, odeskor clickbank you can get online SEO projects and work for the better SERP or SEO expert or adviser for online business owners. In this connection you have to see how you can do on-page and off-page optimization of the site or a webpage to make it perform well on the search engine and drive free traffic.

• Google adsense

You can make your own site and get it recommended by the google adsense. Once you do it google shall allot you an account and you can place google ads on your site and earn on per click base on the ad by the users. The more the users the more the chances of clicks on the google ads and more earning. There is a two-step-process by which google adsense recommend your site. All the details you will find in the latter chapters of this SEO diploma.

Google Adsense’s alternatives

There are other many alternatives of google adsense. They are also ad serving like google adsense. Theya are as follows;

1. (ad serving of
2. Chitika
3. Bidvertiser
4. Infolinks
5. adBrite
6. Clickbank
7. Amazon
8. Kontera
9. eBay
10. LinkShare

Note: Remember, google adsense is the best from them all and you will never find better earning opportunities in all the above as compare to google adsense.

Odesk and Elance

Odesk and Elance are the very good sites here you will earn by getting online projects. After completing this SEO course you can join them as SEO consultant.

Personal Business

You can start your personal business online. You can sell anything or give your paid services to the users. What you need for your business is traffic and this you can get by using your SEO expertise.


This is another online source you can use you SEO expertise for your profit. Here you make a site or a blog and sell the products of your vendors. You are paid on per selling of the product.
SEO is the basics of all sorts of success on internet. All the sources mentioned above are good online sources and you can join them.

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Keywords Suggestion Tools Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:31:06 +0000 The basic thing and the key of success in SEO is to find the good keyword. You better spend as much time to find one as you can. Your success and failure only depends on that. The good keyword is the one that has more searches and less competition. One such keyword is a gemstone and leads to the earning of hundreds of thousands of dollars for you. In the coming chapters we shall also tell you the rare methods to bring your keywords at the top of search engine results.

Fortunately there are many such sources on internet by which you can easily search the best keyword for you. Many sources are paid whereas there is one google’s source and that is absolutely free for all and that is why it is used more than any other tool and in the coming chapters we shall focus that in detail.
Keyword Suggestion Tools

  1. google adword keyword planner
  2. Market samurai
  3. Keyword Elite
  4. Word Tracker
  5. Digital tracker

The tool that is used at the most and that is free for all is the google adword keyword tool which, as said earlier, we shall focus in detail in the coming chapters.

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How to use Google Keyword Planner Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:01:15 +0000 There is a good news for all those who are doing this SEO diploma course that google keyword planner is the very good, authentic and free service to find a fruitful keyword. With the help of this service you can find good keywords along with the ratio of their monthly searches, trends, and many good suggestions to extend your root keywords into profitable long keywords. In this connection go to and click signup and use your gmail account for that.

After getting signup click on the option of “Search for new keyword and ad group ideas” at the left column of the page.

Now you will see the option got extended and there is the field to write your keyword as shown in the image below.

If you want to search more than one keyword you better press Enter button every after a keyword and click on the “Get ideas” button. You will see there are some other options above “Get ideas” button and by using them you can find monthly searches of any other country and language.

Now by clicking “Get ideas” you will see the search detail of your keyword(s) in a month-wise graph.

And under the graph you shall see the monthly searches of the keyword(s) you have entered to search.

Under your own keyword there is the long list of ideas of the relevant keywords. That list you can use for getting ideas about how to extend your root keyword into the long one with good monthly searches.

Remember one thing the column of competition here is not related to you. It is only for the google’s advertisers who make keyword campaign on the keyword planner. Since this planner, as explained already, is for the google’s adwords advertisers and competition here means how many advertisers are using that keyword in their campaign. It has nothing to do with webmasters. You can see the competition in the search engine as explained in the previous chapters. Google provides you with an opportunity to download the whole details of the keywords into excel sheet and for this purpose you better use “download” option at the top as shown in the image;

Since now-a-days there are many people who use internet on their mobiles iphones, ipads etc and if you like to know the number of mobile searches for the keywords you have typed you must go to the option of “search volume trends” and select mobile trends;

Google keyword planner gives you the rare information that you really in need of and there is no any other free tool on internet which may give you such valuable information.

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How to Find The Competition of Any Keyword Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:50:49 +0000 Competition means how many websites and webpages are working on the same keyword on which you work. Such sites are your competitors, therefore the less is the competition the more are the chances of success. You must know the competition of your keyword to make the best strategy for you. Remember the competition column in google keyword planner is not for the webmasters they are for the advertisers, so that is not your keyword competition.

Now there is a question that from where we have to see the competition of the keyword we are targeting on our site. Whenever you write any keyword google search engine tells you the number of sites on which that keyword is used and that is your competition. As the competition of the keyword Montessori classes is 5,840,000 as shown in the image below.

Remember all the 5,840,000 sites are not serious about your keyword. They might have used it once anywhere on the page, so you need to find the serious competitors and in this connection you haveto further narrow it down by putting inverted commas around your keyword and you will get the competition of the exact keyword as you selected for your site, it means you should search “Montessori classes”. Definitely the competition will come down. Now you are seeing those sites which are to some extent serious about you keyword but still not all of them. If you want to further narrow it down to reach the sites that are aware about the keyword of Montessoriclassesand they are your real competitors there are such strategies that you can go down to them.

Use allintitle to see who used your keyword in the title of the page
example: allintitle:”Montessori classes”

Use allinurl:to see who used your keyword in the url of the page
example: allinurl:”Montessori classes”

Use inanchor:to see who used your keyword as an anchor text on the page
example: inanchor:”Montessori classes”

Note: the text of link is called anchor text e.g. click here.SEO experts use keyword in the title of the page, in the url of the page and in anchor. Allintitle, allinurl and inanchor are explained in detail in the coming chapters. Here you only need to understand what they are.

If you want to see the global competition of the keyword you should see it on and if you want to see the competition within your country you should see it on (for Pakistan) (for India), (for United Kingdom) etc.

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How to Find a Best Keyword Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:47:58 +0000
  • This chapter is very important and the crux of this diploma course. Here we shall tell you the ways and strategies to find the best keyword to be used for your success and by which you can be able at least to make handsome earning every month.Remember, the selection of right keyword is the only key to success. You better spend as much time in search for it as you can. Once you have selected a wrong keyword and the hard work of years shall not give you any success at all. So be conscious in keyword search.
  • The best method for keyword searching
  • Before search for any keyword you have to consider two things;

    1. It is far better if the keyword relates to buying and selling.
    2. Remember if you are working with Google adsense it is essential that you must know that there are plenty of advertisers on that keyword.

    How to find a keyword related to buying and selling
    The keyword that relates to buying and selling is a gem for you on account of the fact that there shall be great chances in this case that your users click on the google ads and be the buyer of your advertiser. It means there may be a dramatic increase in click through ratio (CTR). Click through ratio (CTR) means the ratio of the peoplewho click on the google adsand CPC is the cost per click. If you work on the above formula of buying and selling your CPC and CTR both shall increase. Advertisers advertise themselves with google who in turn gives their ads to you to be put on your website and your earning depends on how many people click on the ad (CTR) and what is the cost per click (CPC).
    There are certain websites that shall give you an idea to select a keyword that relates to buying and selling and they are;


    By visiting the above sites and analyzing the categories for the customers you shall find the root keyword. Remember the root keyword in that keyword which is the basic keyword and you can extend upon it, like “belly fats” is the root keyword and you can extend it into “reduce belly fats” and “reduce belly fats fast” etc.They above sites are the best sites for buying and selling that’s why you can get a good idea from them. Once you have found the root keyword you have got a platform to start with. Now use google adwords tools and google search engine to search for the longer keywords from that root keyword. In this connection you have to see two things.

    • The keyword you are finding must have good number of monthly searches.
    • The keyword must have less competition of websites or webpages.

    In the coming chapters we shall tell you in detailhow to find the keyword with good monthly searches and how to find the competition of websites or webpages. There is a big chance that you may find many keywords on the one root keyword.

    Remember, long-tail keyword (or extended keyword from the root keyword) is better than short keyword and this we shall discuss in detail in the coming chapters.
    How to find advertisers on any keyword.

    This is the second thing you must know before starting your search on the keywords. When you have selected any keyword that relates to buying and selling now you have to find whether there is any advertiser on this keyword or not and for this purpose you have to adopt the following three methods;

    1. When you open the search results of any keyword you generally see that there are some additional results at the top or the bottom of the page with yellow background. They are the advertisers on the keyword you have written on the search engine.

    2. When you open the search results of any keyword you also see the ads of the advertisers on the right side of the page.

    3. Open the sites that use the same keyword and see whether they have google adsand if yes whether there are the advertisers on that keyword or not.

    Don’t forget one thing that you better use when advertisers start advertisement campaign they also select the region. And for to see which site is of which country you better see the whois information of the site. Just go to any site of whois and type the URL of the site and get the information.

    Note: sometimes the whois is blocked by the site.

    In this chapter it is taught how to find a good root keyword and in the coming chapters we shall tell you how to make long keyword or long-tail keyword from the root keyword.

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    Why Long Keyword is More Important Than Short Keyword Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:44:26 +0000 Long tailed keyword is that which is prolonged by adding different words. Remember long tailed keyword is always better than short one. There are the following reasons for that;

    1. The competition in the short keyword is a very long figure and you cannot compete that. When you narrow it down by extending the keyword you find that the figure of competition becomes lesser. No need to get thousands of traffic on one keyword that is a long and hard process. Why not to have ten long keywords on ten pages with the same number of traffic but by less effort.

    2. People don’t find short keyword rather they go for the long keyword. They shall never find just the word “Montessori” rather they shall find some meaningful thing like “Montessori schools”, “Montessori education in Pakistan”, “Montessori teaching”, “Montessori school system” etc. Just “Montessori” is not meaningful at all.

    3. Remember if you have targeted the long keyword your site shall also perform in short keyword. If you have targeted “Montessori school system” your site shall also rank in “Montessori”.

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    What is KEI and KES and What are Their Uses Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:42:33 +0000 By now you would have completed making excel sheet and collected some long and extended keywords. In this chapter you shall be taught what is KEI and KES and how to find KEI and KES of your selected keywords. By that way you shall come to know which keywords from your list are more useful from the rests. In this way they shall be filtered and all others are to be deleted so that you may not waste your time and have a good start. KEI means keyword effectiveness index. It means how much one keyword is effective.
    Increase three columns in your excel sheet and give them the following headings;

    1. Initial KEI
    2. Advanced KEI
    3. Relevance
    4. KES

    Initial KEI

    In this column divide monthly searches on competition. The formula for this is =(B2/C2) where B2 is monthly searches and C2 is competition. By this way you will find the initial KEI of the keywords you have selected. Remember one thing you have not to put that formula with every keyword. Just click at the right bottom of the box and drag it to the end of the list the formula shall be applied automatically to all the keywords. In a very simple language initial KEI is to divide the monthly searches on the competition.

    Advanced KEI

    Here you have to multiply initial KEI by 1,000. The formula for this is =(D2*1000) where D2 is the column of initial KEIand * stands for multiplication. All those keywords with advanced KEI of 10 or more are good keywords but still you have to go on.


    That means how much the keyword is relevant to the root keyword. If this relevance is 100% than put 10 in this column if it is 50% put 5 similarly 1 for 10%, 2 for 20% etc.


    Here you have to multiply advanced KEI with relevance and use =(E2*F2) formula where E2 means advanced KEI and F2 is the column of relevance.

    Now you have got the final thing before you and here the keywords with more KES are the best for you to be targeted for your website. Put that column into descending order and select top keywords with more KES. Now you might have seen that some of the keywords with more KEI sank down in the list.
    Note: Remember; there are still better methods that shall come later in this course.

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