Make a Website – Latest Jobs Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:54:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Make Free Website Tue, 15 Feb 2022 08:06:17 +0000 As it is already told that blogs are different than websites but they act like websites and they are free and easy to make. That’s why here we are going to start form blog making on different sites. The sites to make free blogs are the following and many more;


They are four of many such sites on which you can make blogs. Above sites are the most famous ones, and once you could be able to make blogs on them you shall be able to make blog in any site available on internet and there shall be no problem at all. Blog making shall start from the next chapter.

What is the difference between free blog and website

Blog is also like a website but there are following differences;
1. Blog is free whereas for the website you have to pay for hosting and domain on yearly basis.

2. Blog mush end on,, etc (the name of site on which you make a blog) whereas the address of the website is entirely your own choice. Thus advantage of making blogs flows to the sites on which you have made a blog in a sense that they are advertised whereas on the website all advantage is your own.

3. There are facilities of plugins and scripts on the website unlike blog.

4. You can edit the html code and insert php and CSS in and many more things in website unlike blog.

Well, there are differences, after all how it makes sense that people prefer to pay for websites than simply making free blogs.

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How to Make Blog on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 08:03:37 +0000 is Google’s site for making free blogs and one of the most famous on internet. Every blog that has at the end is of blogger’s. Here we shall show you in detail how to make blog on
1. First of all you must have gmail account, if not go and make it. It shall take 5 to 10 minutes then open and login with gmail’s email and passwords.

2. You shall see the option of “create your blog now” click on “New blog” beside it.

3. Give title and address for your blog and choose any theme

4. By giving theme, title and address your blog is made and now you have to upload contents on it. Click on the pencil image to write a post for your blog.

5. Now you are on the writing pad. Just write your contents, give the title of the post and click on “Publish” button to get it published. Now you open your blog and see the published post is there online and people can see and read it. Here you can also share your post on google+ and it is advisable that you do it so that your friends may visit it as well.

6. Now whenever you feel to publish something on the blog just login and click on the pencil button and do it. You can also edit and delete your previous posts.

7. You can see both pages and posts options on the left of screen as shown in the image;

Remember there is difference in posts and pages on wordpress. Posts are as many as you can make but there should be only few pages. Pages are always introductory in nature. The pages you must make for your blog (and even for the website) are; About us, Contact us, Privacy policy, Terms of use and FAQs etc. Not necessarily all of them but the ones you think important for your blog.

8. You can change the look and feel (design) of your blog by going on the option of “Layout”

Note: remember, blogs are made likewise on every site. And on every site and wordpress the difference of post and page is the same.

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How to Make Blog on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 08:02:20 +0000 In order to make blog on just follow the directions here. In this connection the basic ideas are the same as you have read in the previous chapter.
1. Go to and write the address of your blog and click the button “create website”.

2. Now fill in all the fields on the form and click on “Create blog” at the end. Remember as you keep on filling in the field shall be marked by a tick and if any field is not marked it means you must reconsider it. Write the address of your blog in “Blog address” and select Free as indicated in the image

3. Now write the address of your blog in title and few words about your blog in tagline. Language must be English and click “Next step”

4. Now you have to confirm your email address. Just do it by clicking on the link in the email by

5. Your blog is done. Now click on “Add new post” to publish it.

6. Now any time you can open and login to the dashboard of your blog for creating and publishing posts and pages

Whatever you do on dashboard see it on a live blog too. You can delete and edit your pages and posts

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How to Make Blog on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 08:01:09 +0000 n order to make blog on just follow the directions below;
1. Go to and click on “singup and start bloging for free”.

2. Give your email, password, verification code and click “Next”.

3. Give the address and title of your blog.

4. Select the option of “Free blog” and go on.

5. Now you have to activate your account by clicking on the activation link within 48 hours on the email you have received.

6. By activating your blog is made. Now you need to create and publish posts and pages. Go to the option of Posts or Pages and select “Add new”.

Here you have to write your post / page, give its title and publish it. You better edit or delete “hello world!” post first. And for this go to Posts option and select “All posts” and when “Hello world!” appears just select the option of “edit” under it.

7. When you will write a post there shall be an option of categories at the right column.

In order to make categories you better select “Categories” option in Posts and add them in accordance with the need of your site, e.g. if your site is about learning you can make categories like; English grammar, Poetry, Novel etc. and whenever you make post select the relevant category for that.

8. If your post is not yet complete and you want not to publish it till completed you better write it and click on “Save Draft” instead of “Publish”.

9. Now whenever you want to publish any post or page go to, login and do it as told above.
The blogging ends here for if you can make one on these three sites you can make many on many sites. Method is just the same. Furthermore the sites you are told to make blogs in are most famous ones. In the coming chapters you shall see wordpress as software to make website in detail and whatever you couldn’t get here you shall get there because wordpress is just the same as making blogs.

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How to Make Page on Facebook Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:59:59 +0000 You can make page on facebook and make your friends like it. The better the page the more the likes and sharing. In this way your facebook page can be popular and whatever you put on it shall be seen directly on the wall of your facebook friends. Try to make this page interesting for them. By this way you can advertise your blog or website as well as most of people do it. You might have seen like button on the sites and blogs.
In order to make facebook page make facebook account which shall take 10 – 15 minutes and then follow the directions;

1. Make your facebook account and click on “Home” at the top of the page.

2. On the left of screen click on “Create page” option in pages section.

3. Now select any option that suits your page. Writ the name of the page on Company name and click “Get started”.

4. Coming options can be skipped but it’s better that you fill them in. Now give the description of page, give the address of the page and the link of you blog or site and click “Save info”.

5. Click on “Upload from computer” and select the profile’s image if you have in your computer, if not just download it form net and click “Next”.

6. Click “Add to favorites” and go on.

7. Your facebook page is ready now. Now create your post on the field “What have you been up to?” and publish it by pressing Enter.

Now keep on publishing your posts and the time you publish them they shall pop in the wall of your friends who liked your page.

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How to Make Post in Urdu on Facebook, Blog or Website Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:58:29 +0000 It’s good idea that you make Urdu pages. You can write in Urdu in internet that maybe your facebook page, blog or even a website. In this connection you have to download and install “Pak Urdu installer”. And once you installed it you shall see EN beside quick launch at the right bottom of your screen.

Now if you want to write Urdu you should click on EN and select Urdu. The shortcut for that is to press Alt and Shift. New when you have selected Urdu in any opened window your keyboard shall write in Urdu in phonetic keyboard on any opened document that may be MS word, Text document, any site, blog, facebook page or email.
You might have seen Urdu on many websites. They use this method.

Now you have got an idea that how easy is the method to write in Urdu you just have to install “Pak Urdu Installer” and it is done. Making Urdu pages is very much productive on the part of webmasters. It gives users an impression that they feel at home with the contents of your site. There are many other sites out there that offer content in Urdu. You might have seen the pages with Urdu description whenever you are looking at the list of search results. It is owing to the fact that the page without Urdu (in description and contents) and with Urdu make a big difference. People would get more interest in Urdu pages. It is for the many times I have seen that in Facebook those posts work better that are in Urdu language.

The big problem of the people of Pakistan is there comprehension which is hampered when they are reading English contents. There is much great number of them that even do not read it and keep clicking for the other pages. In result the bounce rate of your site increases and the site may get in perils and may not perform well in search engines. You might have seen an another thing that we have practiced and got good results that we have made two pages for each and it is entirely on the readers’ choice which page they want to read. In this way they feel at home with our site and we can serve them with the best users’ experience as possible. Take care of you user and make pages in Urdu along with English language.

There may be other softwares for Urdu writing. You better look for them and get improving.

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How to Make a Website Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:57:21 +0000 Up to now you have been told the methods of making free blogs and here you shall be told how to make full fledge website so that you may be able to earn something and do the online business. If you want to start business on your website we suggest you must do SEO diploma too that shall guide you from selecting keyword to making a successful site for online business and earning. One thing that remains wanting is SEO diploma is to make a website for which you need to do this diploma anyway.
Here you shall learn the whole procedure to make a site and for this purpose you have to undergo the following procedure;

1. Buying hosting and domain
2. Installing wordpress or joomla on your hosting
3. Installing theme on wordpress or joomla
4. Publishing posts and pages on your website
5. Making site on dreamweaver if you are not using wordpress or joomla
6. Uploading dreamweaver site on internet

Remember there is nothing difficult in all these steps and as you shall start making your site with us gradually you will learn that what you were thinking as hard is extremely easy and you can go through all the procedure just by yourself with no any help. In the coming chapter you shall be taught about hosting and domain.

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What are Hosting and Domain and How to Purchase Theme Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:56:37 +0000 Hosting

Whenever you save any file in your computer you see that it occupies some space. That space can be in KB (kilobyte), MB (megabyte) and even GB (gigabyte). Similarly whenever you are uploading your site on internet your site that is comprised upon many files too occupies some space. The space for you site on internet is called hosting and you have to buy that.


Domain means name or address of your site that starts from www and ends on .com, .net or .org etc. It is entirely your choice that which domain you select for your site provided there is no site of this name on internet. The sites that offer hosting offer domain as well, and once you buy hosting package there is also one domain in it which you have to select.

Note: remember one thing whenever you are looking for domain name and select one always try to buy it as soon as possible because if you delay there are people on internet that keep looking domain searches by people and they try to purchase domains before you do and sell it later with more price.

How to purchase hosting and domain

There are many sites on internet that offer hosting and domain. Some of good sites are as follows

5. and are Pakistani sites and there are many other sites. As soon as you shall open any of the above sites you shall see hosting and domain packages right on the first page quite as you see the first page of in the image below that $2.99 for domain and hosting for one month, that is $35.88 per year.

Now go to and search “35.88 USD in PKR”. That shall show you the latest rate of dollar in Pakistani rupees. Now use your credit card and buy the domain and hosting package.

You can also use different sites for hosting and domain purchasing if need be. In this case you have to email domain selling site to change the DNS of your domain and DNS can be obtained from the hosting site. In the offer for hosting and domain package is $1.68 per month that is $ 20.16 per year.

These offers keep on changing. It is entirely upto you that for how long you are purchasing your hosting and domain. You can purchase for one year to more than 10 years. You shall see the links like “get started now” and “get started” along with the offer just click on it and proceed to buy the package. All sites have every information like; method of payments, how to order etc besides there is “live chat” on every site and you can chat with them if you feel any problem.

Once you have purchased the package the hosting site shall send you host name, username and password on your email this is called FTP information and by using it you can upload your site on a server. When you upload your site using that information your site is online and you can open and see it. Some people have a site already made and once they purchase the hosting package they just upload the whole site on a server whereas some people do it gradually by making and uploading pages every day. Some who use joomla or wordpress also create posts and pages piecemeal. In the coming chapter we shall begin the complete course of wordpress in detail.

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How to Install Word Press And Theme Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:55:01 +0000 If you want to make your site on wordpress you have to install wordpress on your server and then any theme of your choice. They are very easy steps so let’s get started.

How to install wordpress

1. Go to your hosting site and login or go to the control panel of your site. For going to the control panel or c panel you need the username and password of your FTP information. This information is emailed to you by the hosting company at the time you buy domain.

2. Now once you are at your control panel you shall see there is the option of wordpress. Just click on it and there shall be an option to install it. Click on that option and install wordpress on your domain. If you have more than one domain you have to give domain name on which you want to install wordpress.

3. During installation you can be asked about username and password. Give one of your choice and proceed. Now once wordpress is installed on your site you need not to go to the hosting site just write “/wp-admin” after your domain, like, and by giving the username and password that you gave while installing the dashboard of your site shall open. Dashboard is the penal from where you control every aspect of your site.

4. Now wordpress is installed and fully functional. The first step after that is to select any good theme for your site and install it.

How to install theme on wordpress

1. After installing wordpress the next thing is to install theme of your choice. This you can do by being on a dashboard. Just write the address of your site and “/wp-admin” this shall take you to the wordpress login page and once you have given your username and password your dashboard of the site opens. Now go to the option of “Appearance” at the left menu and select themes. Theme is the design of your site.

2. By clicking on “themes” click on “Add new”

3. The following window shall open.

Here you can install theme in two ways. If you already have any theme downloaded in your computer then click on “Choose”. The second method is the “search” option. By this you can search for theme. Select any theme and click on “Install now” option under it.

4. Here click on “Activate”.

By doing that the theme shall be activated on your site and whenever you open it you shall see that theme. is the official site for all the relevant downloadings. You can directly download theme from that site. Otherwise go to and search for “wordpress themes”. Here you have to decide how many columns you need for your site. Generally there are two columns but you can search and download three-column theme as well.

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How to Install Plugins in Word Press Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:53:40 +0000 After installing theme don’t start writing and publishing pages and posts. You better install plugins first that shall help you in many functions of the website. For this purpose you have to login to your dashboard.

What is plugin

Plugins are little softwares that help a big software. Here big software is wordpress and there are many plugins with it that help doing many functions of the site. Plugins make your word easier and shorter and many things that are necessary for the site are automatically done by the plugins like, making sitemap for users, sitemap.xml, making robots.txt etc. Plugins can be installed and used very easily.

How to install plugins

In order to install any plugin you need to be on dashboard and do as follows;

1. Go to the option of “Plugins” at the left menu and select “Add New”.

2. Now search the plugin by its name or by its function (like making sitemap page) and click on “Search Plugin” button.}

3. Now you shall be seeing at the list of plugins along with their descriptions. Select any one by reading its description and install it by clicking on “Install Now”.

4. Plugin shall be installed but not activated. Activate it by clicking on “Activate Plungin” button

Which plugins are necessary for your site

Few plugins we have selected are necessary for your site. In addition to them you can install many more as need be.

1. Facebook Like and Google+ Badge Widget

Facebook Like and Google+ Badge are necessary for your website. You have already been taught how to create facebook page. Similarly you must make google+ account as well and try to make people like it. As many likes you will have shall be shown under like button in this facebook plugin. You just install them and go to widgets option in “Appearance” and there you shall see the widgets of facebook like and google+ in available widgets. Just drag and drop them in any sidebar as you like and give the address of your google+ and facebook page and it is done. Now whenever you shall open your site you shall see the like button and google+ on your site. By this way you can advertise your site with the help of social media.

2. Google Analytics for WordPress and Google Webmaster Tools

These two widgets are also very necessary are helpful. Once you have launched your site you need to submit it on google analytics that shall show you the stats of the visitors on your site and google webmaster tools.

3. Insert PHP

PHP is the programming language and If you want to include PHP functions on your site you need “Insert PHP” plugin for that.

4. Spam Captcha

This plugin is used with the comments section of every post where your visitors leave comments. This plugin is important because there are many people on internet who use comments softwares that automatically leaves comments on different sites as comments as the advertisement for their business.m This plugin blocks such comments because that softwares cannot put captcha and If you don’t have this plugin installed you shall receive many comment daily that shall be annoying.

5. WP Robots Txt

Robots.txt file is necessary for your site and if you have this plugin installed on your wordpress you need not to worry about it. This automatically creates robots.txt file.
Note: in SEO diploma you shall learn what is robots.txt, what is its purpose and how to make it yourself.

6. WP Sitemap Page

You might have seen sitemap pages on different site. This page is the map of whole site full of links by which user can easily browse in your site and go to the desired page directly.

7. XML Sitemap Generator

This plugin creates sitemap.xml for your site. Sitemap.xml is a different thing than sitemap page. Sitemap page is for visitors (users) whereas sitemap.xml is for search engine. It shown search engines the number and names of the pages and posts on your site. Once you have made and uploaded page or post you need not to add it in sitemap.xml file the plugin automatically adds it.

8. WP Touch Mobile Plugin

Since now-a-days more than half of the visitors of yours site visit you through their mobiles and the look and feel of websites is not proper on mobile as compare to computer. This plugin makes your site to be properly viewed on mobile as it does on computer.

9. SEO Yoast

Once you have installed this plugin and you are writing page or post it shall ask you the title, description and keywords of your page for the search engines. Whatever you enter there is not shown to the visitors but they are shown on the search engine result page. If anyone searches for your site he / she can read the title and description of your webpage from the search engine result page.

After installing the above plugins now your wordpress is ready for the posts and pages to be uploaded. For PHP programming you need to go for PHP diploma on our site and if you want to earn and start business on your site then you need to do SEO diploma.

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